A sore throat also termed as pharyngitis is mainly accompanied by pain, scratchiness or irritation of the throat. The most common cause of a sore throat is a viral infection that can either be a cold or the flu. Sometimes the sore throat infection can also be caused by a less common type of bacteria called the streptococcal infection and that may require antibiotics for treatment. Other causes may include allergies, dryness, irritants, strain etc.
The main symptoms:
The throat infection symptoms are seeing within the first few days on the infection causing germs entering the body. Some common signs may include:
Pain in the throat followed by an itching sensation.
Worsening of the pre-existing pain while swallowing or talking.
Presence of sore or swollen glands in the areas pertaining to the neck
and jaw.
White patches or even pus in the tonsils.
● Hoarse, muffled or cracked voice and sometimes there's a complete inability to voice out speech properly.
Sore throat treatment and remedies
There can be various approaches to soothing a sore throat. With the viral infections where the sore throat heals for itself, various natural sore throat remedies are preferred. When there's a bacterial infection involved, there is a need for sore throat medicine. Given below is an insight into various ways of handling and treating a sore throat:
Self-treatment: As mentioned homemade remedies are often
referred to in cases of viral infections or the onset of other causes of sore
throat. Some remedies include drinking plenty of liquids, gargling with salt
and lukewarm water, and sucking on lozenges.
Seeking medical help:
If the conditions do not improve over a period of time and keep worsening, then one must seek medical attention. From the sore throat lasting for more than a week to the inclusion of rashes and joint ache to blood in saliva and so on, there's a severe need of medical help and sore throat treatment that cannot be denied. The most preferred medications are ibuprofen or paracetamol to manage moderate conditions.
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